Donnerstag, 15. September 2016

Quarian Space Marine

So, I watched a let's play from ChristopherOdd  of Mass Effect 1 and 2 and as most people do, I fell in love with the damn Quarian Space Suit things.

I googled it, obviously, and came about this page:

Fair enough, but I wanted a real helmet, and shoulder pads and metal and everything.
That lead to some problems:

  1. Ventilation
  2. My voice would be muffled (a lot)
  3. I need lights
So fair enough, I ordered some electronics. My dad thankfully has a lot of spare wood laying around and I started building two weeks ago.

I had to start over the helmet at september 13th sadly, I messed up :D

Here is the progress as for now september 15th!
I might add that I totally intend to wear stretch leggins and a gothic vest thing to complete this ;)

I will install the electronic parts when I am done with the rest. I may have to drill some holes though.

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